How I Learned The Secrets Of Grip Fighting And How You Can Get My Grip Fighting Secrets… For FREE!!
How I Learned The Secrets Of Grip Fighting And How You Can Get Them Too…. For FREE!!
by Rhadi Ferguson, PhD
Posted on at 5:46 pm
by Rhadi Ferguson, PhD
Posted on at 5:46 pm
How I Learned The Secrets Of Grip Fighting And How You Can Get My Grip Fighting Secrets… For FREE!!
by Rhadi Ferguson, PhD
Posted on at 7:28 am
I promised you that I would provide you a video that would give you the exact steps that you need to take to win “The Biggest Fight Of Your Life” and true to my word…. Here it is. THE HAMMER AND THE NAIL!!!
by Rhadi Ferguson, PhD
Posted on at 4:41 pm
Greetings: I hope you are having a wonderful day. I, quite honestly, am having a rough time and I’m not sure why. One of my judo students had her last practice in the dojo last night before leaving for college today. She’s headed off to school on a wrestling scholarship and I couldn’t be more […]
by Rhadi Ferguson, PhD
Posted on at 12:39 pm
Welp…. I’m sure you know that everybody is up in arms right now about the proper decorum and behavior that one should don when the national anthem is played. Recently, Colin Kaepernick, a biracial player on the San Frisco 49ers American Football team decided that he will kneel during the National Anthem instead of stand. […]
by Rhadi Ferguson, PhD
Posted on at 2:57 pm
“There are no ifs, ands or buts about it. If you want to be the best, you MUST do the reps!” – Dr. Rhadi Ferguson There’s no way around the mind numbing reps that have to be done. NONE. To think that you can somehow shortcut this natural law of the universe as it relates […]
by Rhadi Ferguson, PhD
Posted on at 5:02 pm
Great Information For Coaches, Players and Those In The Area of Development