This weekend was quite an eventful one. I had the distinct privilege and pleasure to spend the past few days with some of my favorite people on the planet — my immediate family and my loved ones.
I was able to spend loads of time with my wife, my children, my mother in law, my parents, my cousins and some friends. I was a GREAT opportunity to share with others and to be in the company of family WITHOUT it involving a funeral.
Of course, the reason that we all came together is because of a dire situation but we are blessed to be together.
We Evacuated
On Wednesday, September 6th, I left Tampa, FL. I evacuated. I got into a car with my family and I got on the road and headed north. The only plan that I had was one of safety. And I was not concerned with death and destruction as much as I was concerned about the psychological trauma that my children would experience from a storm after seeing the trauma that my cousin’s experienced and still deal with from Hurricane Andrew in 1992. I was concerned with my parents and my mother-in-law because they don’t have the same pep in their step like they used to and I wanted them to be safe and without worry. So my wife and I did what all responsible children do. We made sure that our parents were okay.
Getting Out
Getting out is easier said than done. There are many things that pull you to stay. Your stuff, you job, your friends, your life, etc.,. And there are many things that MAKE you stay. No money, no gas, no ability to house yourself for days/weeks, no plan, pets, no pet care, etc.,.
Evacuating or “riding the storm out” is a tough decision and a nerve racking one at that.
Personally, I have done a few hurricanes and I do not like them but I do appreciate their splendor but I really appreciate and respect their power. I’ve been in a few and I don’t like it.
So when possible, I try to leave.
The Aftermath
When the hurricane passes an area some people will be right. Meaning, some will say, “Ahhhh, it wasn’t that bad. It was just like I told you… .nothing!” And they will be right. Meanwhile, there will be somebody two cities over that lost EVERYTHING. Concerning the aftermath of a hurricane, it’s best to leave it alone and just allow the pictures and the videos to speak for themselves.
My facebook friend Jada Nichols wrote it best:
Happy that so many Florida peeps are checking in safe, and somewhat unbothered. Continue to be safe, make good choices, and watch out for storm surges and what not.
Non-Floridian know-it-alls and cynics. DO NOT initiate any discussions about the storm wasn’t as dire as predicted, especially since you’re probably the same ones who laughed at people praying (from their homes- not the ones on the beach, they’re nuts). I’m not saying that one is related to the other (necessarily), but you just can’t be negative about everythang. Do not talk about a frenzy or over-preparation, because you were probably the same ones calling them foolish for not leaving. You can’t have it both ways. It’s a freaking weather system, we don’t know the specifics or impact until it’s over.
Be safe. Be happy.
Storm Surge
The issue where I reside, well at least the issue right now, is storm surge. If you have not noticed from Facebook, Google or your local news sources, then let me inform you. Hurricane Irma has sucked up much of the water from the shores of the ocean. It’s absolutely incredible.
The question is…. “When is the water coming back?
So… we wait.
The Most Important
Part Of Today’s Marvelous
Monday Issuance
I remember, when hurricane Katrina hit and I was really upset about and I was talking about the lack of response by the government and all type of BS. And my friend, Chuck Jefferson asked me, “Did you donate?” I replied, “What do you mean?” He then said, “DID YOU DONATE? Because you are talking about what everybody else didn’t do but you’re not telling me what you did. So I don’t want to hear anything until you donate.”
And then he whipped out his phone and said, “You can text this number right here and donate and then I will be willing to hear everything you have to say.”
I learned a good lesson that day.
And that was – Do Not Tell Me About The Problem. Tell Me About What You Did About The Problem. Then We Can Discuss The Problem.
I have another friend, Winston, who will refuse to have a political discussion with you if you do not vote. I am the same way. I don’t mind discussing politics, but if you don’t vote, I’m not talking to you. I don’t want to hear it. I don’t care who you vote for.
So, today I want to say this. I don’t care who are what you donate to. Donate.
Do not get caught up in where the money is going or where it isn’t going. Just put your heart and mind in the right place and give. Personally, I am going through my own struggles with Hurricane Irma. The evacuation, relocation, repairs on the house, gas, clothes, etc.,. that we had to purchase set us back a bit. (Hurricane preparation is expensive). But even as I am going through that, I know that I still have to give. So this morning, I gave to the American Red Cross in order to support their Hurricane Irma efforts. It’s what I could do.
If you do not want to give to the Red Cross, please give to someone or some thing. In the United States, we have fires all across California. We have Hurricane Harvey initiatives and we have Hurricane Irma initiatives. We also have churches and groups sending aid to the Virgin Islands, the British Virgin Islands, Cuba, Antigua, Barbuda, Anguilla and the Islands of the Bahamas. Choose something and give.
I’m not going to place any links in this correspondence because I want you to move as you are led to. Please give and I pray that the Lord blesses you in your giving.
Today Is 9/11
16 years ago one of the most devastating terrorist attacks took place on United States soil. I remember that day clearly because I was training on the mat and once I finished, the roads looked like they were barren. It was like something out of a movie. Later on I found out that planes had crashed into the Pentagon and the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. It was surreal.
Many died and I had such a difficult time traveling for a while with the name “Rhadi.” It was wild. What I appreciate the most about 9/11 is that I was able to see our country rebuild itself and not allow fear to run our lives. On that day it was very difficult to see what good could come out of such a horrible situation but today I can really see that we are better today as a country than we were then. We are tighter, we are stronger and we stick together in times to need.
Right now I am once again, asking you to do what we did back then 16 years ago. I’m asking you to show the compassion that we have as fellow brothers and sisters. I’m asking you to find a cause in the U.S. per the current and recent events that we have experienced and please donate.
I did it this morning. And I’m asking you to do it too.
May God bless you.
Thank you so much for reading my first post of the #MarvelousMonday series and I hope you found it encouraging and I also encourage you to pick up my book which is available on Amazon, “Coffee With Rhadi.”
And of course it is available on Kindle and Audible and in paperback as well. 🙂
Blessings from here to there,
Dr. Rhadi Ferguson