This morning is off to a great start. I’m really trying to get the 4th quarter of my year organized. I have many seminars, coaching programs and videos to shoot as well as marketing campaigns for all of these things while finding time for my reading, personal development and writing 3 more books in 2018.
I’m also trying to get my travel schedule organized so that I can hand it in to my boss… I mean, er, my wife, so that she can know where I will be. (Wives LOVE it when you email them your itinerary. I’m not sure why but they just like knowing where you are, where you are going and when you are going to be back. Now if you ask them for the same information, you may get it and you may not but your for damn sure better give them yours if you know what’s good for you. And….that’s my relationship advice for today.) 🙂
What’s New?
This year has been a great one. I’ve had the opportunity to coach more than a few to success this year on the judo mat. I’ve been able to add to the repertoire of my Mixed Martial Arts clients. And I’ve achieved some great successes with my health and wellness clients.
My deliberate practice coaching programs are opening back up in a few months and I’m looking forward to what 2018 brings in the worlds of Judo and Brazilian Jiujitsu.
Also my seminar schedule is picking up and I have a few coming up in September and my October is already filled up.
What I am really super excited about is my new video project. Recently, I created the following products:
And now I am in the midst of creating a video project to address passing the guard. There are so many things that are missed when it comes to guard passing that I really want to address some of the major errors and mistakes that I see made when people come to me for private lessons or join my school.
One of the major errors that I see made is one of copying a move without the understanding of why the move works and what makes it work. Many grapplers watch the world championships and Olympics in the sport.
BJJ practitioners watch the Mundials and the Abu Dhabi Submission Wrestling World Championships. Judo players and Wrestlers watch the Olympics, the World Championships and the World Cups. And we all watch these high level events and then, in the spirit of the “best practices” model, we try to go back home and mimic, learn and do what we see on video.
Mixed Martial Artists are FAMOUS for this line of behavior. If they see a cool move on the Ultimate Fighting Championships, you can best your @ss off that they are doing THAT move in practice the following week.
And I get it.
I understand it.
And it’s NOT bad.
It’s just not great!
It’s Not About The
Basics But It Is
About The Basics
I don’t want to preach “the basics” to you because that’s really not the key but I will say this….
If you have ever boxed before, you KNOW that everything comes off the jab. Now practicing the jab is freaking boring. I mean boring. And then when you practice it, you have to learn it and then learn the different jabs…. a stiff jab, a flick jab, a jab to the body, a jab to the chest, how to jab high to make the hands go up, how to double jab, how to triple jab, etc.,.
You have to learn all of these lessons about the jab. WHICH TAKES YEARS!!!!
And if you shortcut your learning some, in order to advance (which we all do at times), you will find out that you will come to a place where ALL OF YOUR LEARNING WILL STOP or YOU WILL NOT HAVE ACCESS TO A PIECE OF INFORMATION because the gateway for that information is related to some information that you should have gotten in your beginning stages.
This is why I don’t teach leg locks early in the developmental stage of BJJ.
Play The Video
To Hear The Rest
Of This Much Needed
Thank you so much for reading my post and I hope you found it encouraging and I also encourage you to peruse some of these products: 🙂
Blessings from here to there,
Dr. Rhadi Ferguson