I have had a couple of requests and a couple of people jump into my inbox, to make a comment on the situation with Sha ‘Carri Richardson. So, here’s what happened.
So, Sha ‘Carri Richardson won the 100-meter dash at the Olympic Trials recently and that provides her with basically she’s an Olympian elect, you actually become an Olympian when you get credentialed.
So, she quotes unquote, made the Olympic team. After the race was over, as you know, she got tested and it was found that she had THC cannabis in our system. So, I’ve been reading a lot of commentary on social media, about people attacking Sha ‘Carri Richardson and then her mom died.
Weed is not a performance enhancing drug. Some of you MFs need to understand something. Nobody’s condemning Sha ‘Carri Richardson, Lets remove Sha ‘Carri Richardson out of the discussion. You all normalize poor behavior. This is the problem.
Now, there’s the general population and then there are elite level athletes. Elite level athletes aren’t just elite, because what they can do physically your elite because of what you could do, cognitively, how you function effectively and what you can do in the psychomotor domain. If you can only funk function in the psychomotor domain that doesn’t make you elite.
You can argue about somebody’s mental health and not wanting to get in front of a microphone and do an interview all you want. Elite athletes get in front of the microphone, they do the interview, because they are elite athletes, and they just do what needs to be done when it needs to be done. Because they’re not normal and there’s more normal people than there are elite athletes. So all the normal people are going to get together and they’re going to agree on this stuff because you guys are normal. So normal people agree on normal stuff.
Argumentum ad populum. “If everybody said it must be true” and nobody’s more of you, normies than there are the elite athletes. If you’re an elite athlete, then you do elite stuff. Now here’s the question. We’re not bashing Sha ‘Carri Richardson. What she posted is true. She is a human being. She deserves respect.
The question was, was that behavior the behavior of an elite athlete? period! The answer is no. Should She have the maximum punishment? No! Should she appeal? Yes, of course you should appeal.
Did she rightfully earn that spot? She did rightfully earn that spot.
Did she rightfully lose that spot? She did rightfully lose that spot.
Because as an elite athlete, we expect you to govern yourself at an elite level. You’re not a normal person. We’re not looking for normal behavior from you because you’re elite and all you’re on Instagram and Facebook talking, y’all can’t even chew bubblegum and tie your shoes at the same time. Just like just like women don’t want men to talk about women’s issues and men don’t want women to talk about it. All you guys who aren’t Olympians have never been an elite athlete. Shut up!…
So many of you got this whole cancel culture thing. The cancel culture is cool when you want somebody to be canceled.
It’s not cool.
Listen, let’s even jump into the LGBTQ movement. People who are inside I believe that everybody should be respected 100%. Now here’s the deal. If you want me to respect what you believe, and I do respect what you believe, you also need to respect what other people believe. Everybody’s not going to agree with you. So, respect those people. Don’t call those people names they are not homophobic, those people believe what they believe in, you believe what you believe in and everybody can love everybody and believe different stuff.
I see a lot of people talking about Bill Cosby and here is the deal… My name is Rhadi Ferguson. I went to school at Howard University. I got a degree in mechanical engineering; I have a Master’s of Arts of teaching. I have a PhD in education. I’m a pretty damn good thinker. Let me tell what I’m not. I’m not an attorney and I’m not a Supreme Court justice and last time I checked when I looked on Facebook and Instagram, none of y’all are either. Now, there’s a book called the death of expertise that I will highly recommend that you read. Now how you feel, and the real deal are two different things. I’m concerned about how you feel.
I believe your feelings are valid. I want you to feel the way you feel. I want to hear what you feel. But then there’s feelings and then there’s facts and the fact of the matter if you read the shit, man, Bill cut a deal that the courts agreed that he cut. When he cut the deal. He did the shit that he said that he did. But he cut a deal. When you have an agreement, you can’t break the agreement. They made an agreement that agreement was honored. Let him go about his business. Does that mean some people get disenfranchised? Yes, some people were disenfranchised. Does that mean that justice was not served for some people? Yes, that means that justice was not served for some people. If you care to do statistics and understand P value, the way that the court system is set up is set up for more guilty people to to go free than free people to be kept in jail.
I do not sit on the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania; I am not an attorney. There are people way smarter than a lot of us who sit in those positions. There are people who are more intelligent than we are when it comes to legal ease and legal situation, who have argued that case and the court said what the court said, and justice was not served.
We agree.
But legally, Bill got out.
I’m not happy or sad that bill got out. That’s not my issue. But here’s what I’m not going to do. I’m not going to get on and bash bill. Just like people don’t want nobody getting on here bashing Sha ‘Carri Richardson.
Because just like Sha ‘Carri Richardson, she wrote on her tweets that I’m human Bill is human too. Both people may mistake, a lot of people make mistakes. Most of you all who graduated from black college, who are my age. In black college today, because of three things that happened around the same time and we can draw some correlation of these three things almost to the point of causation.
The Reagan era. Bill Cosby shows and black college enrollment all happened at the same time. And a lot of it was because of Bill Cosby shows. Public Enemy coming out during that time here. Tere was a huge black power movement going on in that time. In the in the late 80s, early 90s, black college enrollment went through the roof. You can even see the explosion on the sports side on the NFL and when those people graduated, some of them went to some of the professional sports.
We can we can complain about the system as much as we want to. We also have the option and opportunity like Mitchell Shelby, we have the opportunity to go to school, go to college, you can become an attorney, you can get involved in political science, you can understand advocacy and you can take the long road and work out like that. Or you can get your pick aside and go out in the street and make a lot of noise and go home. Or you can go to school, get to become a doctor or lawyer or professional or a paraprofessional, put your money to the side, and then donate your money to certain things so that people can push this advocacy for us that the change can happen and you could vote for the right people, you can get involved in voting, and you could do it that way. Or you get in the street, you can wave a sign, you can make a lot of noise and you could post on Facebook, You can do what you want to do.
But one of those things is going to create a huge amount of change, and the others is going to be a blip on the radar screen. I have friends who have basically donated their lives to advocacy. Absolutely fantastic. It’s absolutely fantastic. I have friends who have donated some of their money to advocacy. All of those things, create small movements or small nudges. But some of those things, like the main thing that you need, you need money to make things happen ad you need people in the right positions in the right places and you can’t get in those right positions, right places without doing the doing the things that are necessary to get in those positions to make those changes.
We talked about Sha ‘Carri Richardson. We talked about Bill Cosby. Now let’s talk about you. Now, at the end of the day, you have to make a decision on what you want to be if you find yourself involved in discussions that are negative that are one sided, that are where you’re not willing to hear somebody else’s side because you’re so worried about purporting yours. You have some more growth to do.
Bible says “come let us reason together.” We all need to move together. Globally, nationally, locally to the point where we have to agree on something. So, if one person is a Democrat, and the other person is a Republican, can we agree that voting is important? Yeah, we can agree on voting. So, we can agree that everybody should vote. Yeah, we agree on that. All right. Now, we don’t necessarily agree on how we validate who should vote and who shouldn’t vote, but we have to find points where we agreed, instead of looking for points where we don’t agree.
Now you have a situation where and one of my friends who’s an attorney said this, they said this is very difficult for men who go to college and for women who go to college, let’s say a man and woman are both together and they’re drinking, both people are drinking and then they then they have sex. Well, if somebody is inebriated, then the sex can’t be consensual but both people are drinking. So how is one person supposed to assess when the other person is an inebriated? Both people have been drinking. How does one become the person who’s disenfranchised and the other one is the one who’s a predator if they’ve both been drinking? Everything isn’t black and white, some things are in shades of grey, and you have to you have to give the gray some time to sit with you. You need to you need to you need to let that gray area sit with you for a little bit and let it work on You.
They were talking about your decision-making capacity. They were talking about your decision-making capabilities. I told my dad; I want to get a part of my hair and I want this and that. My dad said if you want to get some attention, he said make straight A’s.
I’m going to tell you, if Sha ‘Carri Richardson had a good PR person, she would have said “To my friends and family and my fans, I’m sorry. I made an error. I was distressed. I was sad. I don’t know if I was depressed or not. But I felt like it and I took the medicine that I could afford at that time that was available to me to make myself feel better. In my time of stress, and duress, after my mom died. I made a poor decision at that time and I would just ask for a lanius suspension and I hope and I’m looking forward to USA track and field, allow me to run on that four by 100-meter relay. Because I will really appreciate the opportunity to represent Team USA and I apologize, I’m young, I made a mistake and I hope not to make a mistake again. I’m looking forward to securing some mentors that can help me, I’ve reached out and I’ve talked to A, B and C type people have also met with my Boom, boom, boom sports psychologist, and I’m looking forward to get back on track with my Coach, whatever his name is, and I’m looking forward to representing United States in Tokyo, and 2021 Thank you all so much for your love and support. I make mistakes, and I’ll probably make some more. But please forgive me as you forgive others.”
Be quiet. Take ownership. Don’t try to advocate yourself for responsibility. Beg your ass off to get on that four by one squad, go get your medal and move on about your business. Is that simple? I have to go. I love y’all. But God loves you best. I appreciate y’all watching me and so I appreciate y’all watching with somebody needs to go over to www.coffeewithrhadi.com and get my little piece of book.
Go on and pick up that book www.coffeewithrhadi.com and help me out a little bit.
Take care, Have a great day.
I love you. God loves you best.
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